CBL Foundation Donates to Landrum’s Operation Hope

The Citizens Building and Loan (CBL) Charitable Foundation granted $15,000 to Operation Hope in Landrum, SC.

Operation Hope is a faith-based ecumenical, 501c3 non-profit, outreach ministry that provides a tremendous number of programs and services for the Spartanburg County District 1 area, including: Food Pantry and Supply Closet, Clothing Closet, Resale Shop, Financial Assistance, Computer Kiosks & Employment Readiness and more.

“Operation Hope Board Member and Director, Susan Tompkins, says that they are very grateful, appreciative, and honored to be blessed by one of CBL State Savings Bank’s Grants. Tompkins says, “Being the recipient of CBL’s $15,000 grant has afforded Operation Hope the opportunity to reflect and learn from the last few months of 2020’s uncharted waters as well as discern how Operation Hope may serve as the Hub of Assistance for our residents of the Landrum and Spartanburg School District One area. As an outreach ministry we’ve prayerfully asked how we can serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in these times of uncertainty. We discerned to focus on what we do well and then face any new challenges as faithfully as we can.”

Operation Hope is available for all that need of assistance within their area. Communication and awareness is a major concern for Operation Hope and through the assistance of the CBL grant, they’re pursing how to best communicate with persons without Internet access, news, newspaper and social media.

Please contact Susan Tompkins, director of Operation Hope, if you or someone you know needs utility/RX financial assistance, food, clothes or essential personal/household items at 864-457-2812.

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